Fiesta Clerics' Heal or Revive Overview

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This is Thepowerlevel. In Fiesta Online, clerics don't heal or revive. But do you know why they don't? Here we will intorduce a overview of clerics.


Why Clerics Don’t Heal:
There are a few reasons why a cleric might not heal you, either they have other characters and know what happens to the cleric or don’t want to heal. This might be because they just want to fight because they want to get drops. In my play time, I have learned that everyone needs drops and a lot of players need the same thing. Only way to solve this is to make more items drop if more players are in the party and or assign certain items to a player…..

Clerics rather fight, because it’s easier to take damage and heal yourself then it is to heal other players. And also because the players fighting get all the items, and a lot of players pick things up quick and will not share….I’m sure more cleric character would play there part if they know they would get items/drops.


Why Clerics Don’t Revive:
But yeah, the revive, I try to revive when I can, but I hardly see anyone asking to be revived. When I do see someone ask to be revived I try to help, if they are near I will make it to revive them.  Most clerics are either to far away or just could careless to help, either because they were not helped and don’t want to help or because they are being selfish fiesta game players and want to be rude. You will see this a lot in many games, best bet is to make friends with someone when they are low level and that way you can always count on someone to help you out. Clerics are great characters to start out with and great to have in a party when they heal.

Ok, that is all. Hope you can learn something from this article..


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Credit go to JohnNitro.

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