Domo Stealing Guide

Publié le par domo

Hello,guys.Welcome to Thepowerlevel.There are some guides for stealing,hope they are useful for you.Thanks for your support.


First adding strength will make you stronger, but it will make you lose out on your defence, which lies in your high evasion rate. Not only does agility do that, but it also reduces skill cooldown and casting time which is good for subbing burning rage, lash out and focus mind for increased power.

Anyway I read a guide that said to get the monster to less than 25% hp, but personally I prefer saying around 10% or less.


The level of pilfer does NOT affect your chance with stealing, it only affects the level of the monster you can steal from and how much MP you waste on it.


Dex adds magic accuracy, so it should increase your chance with pilfer. I don't know if it really does, but if anything does affect it I think this would be it.


Fighting chance supposedly affects your critical and evasion rate so some people say it also helps with pilfer, but I havent really noticed it making any difference.


Using pillage instead of pilfer will not increase your success rate. Pillage first attacks the monster and then attempts to steal from it, if you kill it with the skill you do not attempt to steal so you need to time the use of it even better than pilfer. And you cannot keep a monster alive and keep trying over and over with pillage because you'll kill it too soon (which you would probably mostly do with bosses


Beside:if you want to buy Domo gold and Domo power leveling,you can contact our customer service.

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